Monday, June 29, 2009

Rough Weekend

Oh, my sweet Lord - I had a really rough weekend.  Husband went to BC on a golf trip with my mom's husband (belated father's day extravaganza).  Daughter ended up picking up other people's shifts at the Club for life guarding and was gone all day both days.  This left me alone. 

I am an emotional eater.  No doubts about it now.  

Anyhow, since I had NOTHING to do, I kept up with my blog reading.  Another blogger was having a rough time of it and her post really helped me get back on track.  I'm not sure if it was because she was insightful or because it just felt better to know that someone else was struggling.... I think both.  Anyhow - it helped.  I stopped with my self destructive behaviour WAY sooner than I would have otherwise.

My exercise has been almost non-existent.  Just walking the pup 5k or so a day.  I will be getting back at it today.  I needed a break.  My feet and back were killing me.  To that end, I went for a massage yesterday.  I think that will really help.

I found a new author!!  J.A. Konrath.  This weekend I read Whiskey Sour - the first book in the series.  I have trouble sleeping when husband is gone, and so I read.  Unfortunately I was reading a book with a serial killer in it, which didn't do much to relax me for sleeping, BUT the book was so good and it made me laugh out loud 3 or 4 times!!

Taking a chance that I would like the book, I had taken out two others by the same author.  Imagine how annoyed I was this morning when I went to grab the next book in the series, only to find that I didn't get book #2!!  Yes, that is right - I have books #3 & #4!!  Sheesh!!  I hopped online immediately and have put a hold on book #2.  It should arrive at my library in the next couple of days.  In the mean time, I have another author to try.  I love the library.  

Husband bought me a golf shirt while he was away.  I haven't tried it on yet - he held it up and it looked really small.  God love him!  Maybe later today.

So, to fellow WW's out there - and I mean the gals that go to meetings - do any of you freak out before weigh in's?  I have to weigh a day early because of Canada Day, so all the freaking out I would normally do tomorrow I now have to do today.  I am completely panicked.  It is so silly.  I think it is partly because I'm going with a friend who I will have to tell my results to.  Which I want.  I want that accountability and she is a good friend.  But the pressure.  OMG.  I'd be half way through a bottle of wine by now (yes, I realize that it is 8:22 in the a.m.) except I don't have the points!!!  HAHAHAHAHA

OK peeps!  Have a healthy day.  


  1. Sorry to hear that you had a rough weekend! Thanks for posting the book too. I'll have to pick it up sometime soon.

    As for the weigh ins, I don't usually stress about it. Sometimes I do, but it's pretty rare. I usually stress AFTER I find out how my weight changed during the past week. But I'm really weird like that...

  2. I am sorry you had a rough weekend...I did have to LAUGH when ALL you do is walk for 5K. That is still pretty good stuff.

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Relax, Fatinah! You have been doing so awesome with your workouts and your elliptical and your walking. It's O.K. to step down the pace a little and get a massage and get recharged.

    I didn't really stress about weigh ins when I went to meetings (though I probably should have)! Sometimes when you think you've had a bad week you end up with a surprisingly good result anyway.

    As for emotional eating, I bet we are ALL emotional eaters to some extent or we wouldn't be here!
