Monday, June 04, 2007

New Recipe on SparkPeople

Hello! I just entered a new recipe in SparkPeople - I've got my slow cooker going as I type!

I'm planning on walking later today, if the weather holds up - if not I will likely go to the gym.....

Anyone watch Sopranos last night??? Yowsers!! I just love that show. I kinda stopped watching because there was so much time between seasons, but I was curious to see how they ended it, so I've been tuning in when I remember. Last night was awesome!

So far logging my food on SparkPeople has been going well. Everyone sounds very excited about the June Challenge. Fun times are ahead for all of us!!

Have a healthy day bloggers!!

PS: Have you guys noticed that Blogger now saves drafts automatically? I'm happy to say that I was just able to save my post because of that! I can hear you all breathing a heavy sigh of relief - NOT!!! HAHAHAHA


  1. yeah, that autosave is really cool!

  2. Thanks for the new recipe that sounds interesting!

    I did notice the autosave, great new feature.

  3. Carrot Fritters are:

  4. Ooh, that recipe looks delicious!
