Saturday, August 22, 2009

Facing the music

I don't have a pot to piss in right now, so I did not go to WW. I did however hop on my scale here at home. The final tally? 2.8 gain since my last weigh in. Honestly, I was expecting more. There was a time I would go away for a week and come home 5 pounds heavier. I guess that is some progress. I'm not giving up my dream to come home from vacation with a maintain though!

Not much else on the go. Took the pup for an hour long walk this afternoon and it was so nice out. He was so good. No pulling. We passed one dog on our walk. Despite my best efforts, he got ballistic excited. Sigh. We will work this kink out if I have to have the Barkbuster lady to my house every week!!

I am getting ready to go for a run this evening. Sans puppy. I'm feeling kinda guilty about this EXCEPT that he did have a long walk already and my running I've decided is really all about ME!! I don't want to have to stop for pee or poop breaks. I want to be able to hit my stride and just enjoy the feeling that comes with that. I know my resolve will weaken when those big brown eyes look up at me when I get my socks & iPod out, but...... I'm not wrong, am I??

Oh, and I'm completely freaking out because my daughter is starting Grade 12 this coming Thursday. Her graduation date is already posted on the school website. I'm so not READY!!!!!!!!!

Have a healthy day!


  1. You know what, 2.8 really isn't that bad. One solid week and most (if not all) of it will be gone. These things happen and will continue to happen to all of us. It's our willingness to get back on track and forge ahead that will mark our success.

    I feel for you about your daughter graduating. Mine is starting kindergarten in a couple weeks and I don't think I'm ready for that. Can't imagine what I'll feel like when she's graduating high school. Ack!

  2. I gained 2.2 on my vacay, and immediately lost 1.2 of it the next week---it will be OK.

    I have an older dog and when I get my iPod out he gets nutso, but I hate taking him, he can only go 5 minutes...but I love him, so I better start making time.

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I agree with Tiffany and Hotch. I gained a few pounds when my back went out and now I'm losing again. You have a strong routine at home so you'll reverse that gain quickly.

    Pup did get a nice long walk already, and the run is about you. I rescued a puppy once and thought walking her could be my exercise, but stopping to sniff every interesting smell (her, not me) and greet all oncoming dogs made for very slow walking.

    M. Hubby teaches 12th grade, and it will be an exciting year for her.

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I appreciate them so much! I think my sucky weigh-in just kind of pissed me off! But now, I'm actually even more determined to keep pushing. Hope you enjoy your "me time" run!
