Friday, December 19, 2008

It came, it came!!

Ladies - it arrived today - my beloved fitbook ( OMG! It is perfection all in a 5x5 book. I will start using it Monday. I will use my old journal till then.

Let's see. I haven't posted in a while. Haven't been up to much. I finished my contract at work. I thought I might not be able to get it done before the holidays and therefore would have to go back in January. But, I worked like a pig, didn't chat (which is easy cause the girls still don't talk tome) and I got it all done! Ya baby!!

I am up to 50 minutes on the treadmill. Seabreeze wondered if I ran straight....I do not. I run 10:1's. I learned this at the Running Room and it works well for me. I do this even on the treadmill.

I have been a journaling fool. It is helping to keep the holiday cheer in check.

I have decided to buck tradition this year. I am cooking ham for dinner instead of turkey. Do you all remember when I had the stomach flu for a week a few weeks ago? Well, it hit me right after I had eaten a turkey dinner at the Bonspiel. I just don't think I can cook a turkey yet. I called the in-laws to see if they would be disappointed - they actually were happy - FIL finds turkey too dry anyhow (who knew?? I've been making turkey forever!!).

So, I will be cooking ham and I will do those little baby potatoes. I have a recipe that uses Dijon mustard and olive oil. I'm going to make Angie's Brussels Sprouts with Parmesan & Roasted Pine Nuts, standard mashed carrots and turnips, broccoli salad, Thai pasta salad, spinach salad, bonanza beans (a standard at all of husband's family meals) and I forget which blogger's Ultimate Party Meatballs. For dessert I will have chocolate chip cookies, short bread cookies, and Bionic Woman's Chocolate Toffee Bars. Mmm, I get hungry thinking about it.

Oh, we purchased a hoodie and little light up running shoes for our dog. OMG - he is hilarious with them on. We have him used to the hoodie, we just have to work on the booties. As soon as I get him used to it I will post a picture. It has been so cold here, we had to get something. Poor little muffin was shivering so bad just ridding in the car!!

Have a healthy day bloggers!!


  1. I'm so glad your new fitness journal came. It's always fun to have another tool to help you along.

    The dinner sounds yummy. Care to post a few of the recipes you mentioned? Like: the Brussels Sprouts one and the Bonanza bean one? I love both of those veggies and would love to have some new recipes.

    My step dad got sick right after a turkey dinner one time and he swore that the next year he'd be grilling a whole roll of bologna for the next Christmas. He didn't of course (Mom fixed ham instead just like you) but we got a big laugh out of it for a year.

    Looking forward to a pic of doggy in the new outfit.

  2. Anonymous4:30 AM

    now I want one :)
    there is nothing better IMO than a fresh new journal.

    nothing sparks me to GET TO IT (whatever IT is :))


  3. Hey lady! Those potatoes sound awesome! Can you share the recipe? Also, why aren't the women at work talking to you? You want I should kick some ass?

    Keep up the great work!
