Thursday, November 04, 2010

How can it have been so long!

I was filling out my "new" food journal and I noticed that I was on week 5.  It occurs to me that I haven't posted for likely that long.  Could that be?

I have been having trouble posting because I don't have as much alone time as I used to.  The I realized I can post in an e-mail - which is WAY more discrete and voila!

Just got back from Belly Dance tonight.  Our show is on the 14th and I've decided to not participate.  I'm so sad.  For the first time since I started dancing I just don't feel good enough about myself to get myself up on that stage.  Sigh.

I am still running.  Did the Halloween Howl a few weeks ago.  That is a fun run.  Totally rocked it.  HaHa!!  This week I started running a rout that has a hill in it.  Not a moment too soon either - as I was breathing so hard I actually had to run 2:1's up it!!!  I have a lot of work to do - but I guess it is good to have a goal.

Well - short post for now - just wanted to say hi to all.  More news later!

Have a healthy day!

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