Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ticker Update - Weigh In Day

Good Morning fellow WW'ers!

Went and weighed in this a.m. Ticker updated - not! I stayed the same. Oddly enough I'm quite happy. I don't know why, but I jumped on the scale at home this morning BEFORE going to the meeting, and it showed I may be up .2. So, when I got there I and was the same, I was pretty happy. Upon reflection of my week, I think staying the same was about right. I only exercised once, and since I was working, my routine was all out of whack. And, of course, I used all of my flex points. So, I'm happy with my results and ready to start a new journal.

I did have rather a nice NSV last night. Husband was home finally from a week out of town, and we had a LATE dinner - Vietnamese. Not the smartest thing to eat at 9:00 in the evening when you are weighing in at 8:30 the next day. ANYHOW, for the first time ever, I ordered my regular dish and half way through it I stopped. I ALWAYS eat the entire thing. And the best part was, I didn't stop because I was thinking about points, I stopped cause I was full. My mind actually connected with my stomach. Normally I stop cause I have eaten a certain # of points. How exciting is that??????? I know I can hardly contain myself!!

I work again this coming week. I am going to make a better commitment to myself though to exercise in spite of that. I used to exercise when I worked before. Just need to make an effort. I'm like Nike - Just Do It!!

Have a healthy, on program, exercise filled day bloggers!


  1. Congrats on the meal thats wonderful news!

  2. Congrats on both the maintain and the NSV.

    A maintain is better than a gain. If I jump on the scale, and I've maintained, I'm happy. Not as happy as a loss, but heck, it's better than a gain any day! And at least it sounds like your not frustrated, and you realize why you maintained. Which is great.

    As far as the NSV that is awesome that you stopped. It's a great feeling when you have control!
