Sunday, December 06, 2009

Snow, snow, snow

It snowed so bad Friday that I couldn't get off my street Saturday morning to get to the Santa Shuffle. Sigh.

I did make it up to the gym late in the day Saturday and did some treadmill time though. I tried a program that daughter got from her trainer. Start on 2.0 incline for 5 minutes to warm up. Treadmill is @ 3.5 mph the whole time. Every minute, raise the incline 1 full %. The treadmill I was on went to 15. Stay at 15 for a minute. Then, every minute go down on the incline. Then 3 minutes or so @ 2.0 and then cool down at 0 incline. Holy shit. I was breathing so hard that my lungs were sore later that evening. When I was done that - I just ran on the treadmill till I hit an hour... maybe 20 - 25 minute run or so. Anyhow - felt like a good workout.

I have not been on program all week. I could come up with a list of excuses, but really I just chose to take the easy path with my stress and that was to deal with it the way I always do (eat) instead of dealing with it in a more positive and productive manner. The only exercise I did was belly dance Thursday and the treadmill yesterday.

This week I will get my shit together. This week I will journal and put myself first. I will not seek out self destructive behaviour to enable my pity parties. I will fill my body with healthy foods that will get me to old age and I will be active every day.

Short post today as I have Christmas cards to write. And the new Yoga Journal magazine read.

Hope you're all doing well. Congrats to all the Halibloggers that ran the Santa Shuffle - you girls look so happy doing it!!


  1. yep, we cannot deal with the white stuff very well. The blowing snow and wind was crazy. I don't remember ever seeing it like that around here. Then again. I've only been here 12 years.

    I bet they had a lot of extra subs at the race. Saturday was nasty!

  2. Great workout! My legs are burning just thinking about it.

  3. Lady, you are amazing. I have no doubt your week will rock!
