Thursday, September 24, 2009

skipping my workout

Well, I bit the bullet and got my ass back to the gym yesterday to do some weights. Todays post will be short owing to the fact that I can hardly move my arms. Guess I waited too long in between workouts - note to readers - 3 months is TOO long!!

Guess what I did after the weights? Besides my shoulder physio stretches.... skipping!! Jump for one minute, break for 30 seconds. I did it 11 times. My goal is 20. My heart was really thumping by the time I was done. I wasn't sure if it would bother my shoulder, but it didn't really.

Belly dance last night was another busy class. We moved, moved, moved and once again I wondered why I hadn't put my hair up. We started learning some combos for our choreography. It was a really fun class.

Today is physio and a run. I'm up at the club for physio anyway - so I'm going to do my run on the treadmill.

Not much else to report. Belly dance again tonight. Can't wait!!

Have a healthy day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I weighed in today....

My cousin's girlfriend joined WW but wanted company going to the meeting. I went with her today. Got to check out the new Dalhousie center. H-Woman is right. It echoes BAD in there. Nice though. I saw the new style of pre-measured spoons available at WW. I think one of those boxes have my name on them. So much nicer than the set I have now - which are the old plastic ones - which have also changed shape a smidgen from the dishwasher! The metal ones look nice enough to put out at a dinner party. Don't get me wrong - I put my plastic ones out now - but the metal ones will look much nicer!!

I updated my weight on my sidebar. I was very happy with my weigh in.

Hmm, what else. Not much. Starting Alpha course tonight at the Church. Husband has agreed to come to one session with me. Better than nothing. Who knows, he may like it.

I bit the bullet and applied for a job yesterday. I realize I have to apply for more than one to actually find a job, but one step at a time. At least I've done it once now. Right??

Did not run today. Schedule got a bit messed up. Will just pick up tomorrow. Weights, and run on Thursday.

Got to run!

EDIT: Go here to see a picture of the spoons I'm talking about!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

On Top of the World

That's right people - that's what I am. On top of the world. Guess what Family Fatinah did this morning @ 7:00 a.m.? If you guessed a spin class - you're right!

All 3 of us! How friggen awesome is that?

We then all had breakfast together at the Club. It was really nice.

Life is good.

Except that my legs are so tired I can hardly stand. Sigh. Luckily today isn't a run day. Walk with puppy should prove interesting, since I have to stand to do that.

I have meat defrosting for dinner tonight and no idea what to do with it. Yikes!!

Short post today. Mostly cause even my arms are tired from spin class!

Have a healthy day bloggers!!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Ugh! I feel the need to make changes in my life!! I will be glad when I've adjusted to fall. I hate feeling like this!!

Had lunch with two old bosses and a former co-worker yesterday. I told them that I've decided to go back to work. It felt like a huge step even just saying it out loud. Now I have to find some jobs to apply for!! It would be easier if I knew what I wanted to do.

Last night was belly dance. Only two of us showed up so it was like having a semi-private lesson!! Much fun was had by all.... well.... both!!

Daughter had to work till 9 last night, so I had an hour to kill after belly dance. I put my ipod on and did 35 minutes on the elliptical and then did my shoulder physio stretches.

No walk with the pup yesterday because he was at daycare. Had him bathed and his nails clipped while he was there. He came home all fluffy and smelling pretty. He was SO excited to see me when he came home - it was so cute. He was also quite put out when I had to leave to go belly dancing!

Today is a run day. Walk with the dog. Physio stretches. Exciting times.

Tomorrow husband & I are going to attempt a cycle class at.. wait for it... 7:00 AM! Daughter said she is considering coming with us. She teaches at 9:30 at the Club - so she would have time to shower and eat..... I have to admit - I would be out of my mind excited if all 3 of us make it!

Oh, I made that recipe from Eat Shrink & be Merry - the chicken pandemoniYUM - OMG - it was so good. I had one cup of the recipe and was STUFFED!! I highly recommend it.

Have a healthy day bloggers!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Biggest Loser & A New TV Show

I was more turned off of by Jillian than ever last episode. Especially when she was yelling at the gal who is the biggest (Shay?). Given that her mom was a meth head or whatever, she was likely abused her whole life in one form or fashion. To see Jillian yelling at her like that..... made my skin crawl. I love Coach Mo. And the woman that lost her family. Husband even cried!! I think it is going to be a great season! Of all the pairs on the show - the two that were up for elimination were the two I felt bonded with the least.

I found a new show to watch. You can catch it on-line. I caught it by accident Sunday night - I was alone and there were no shows on the regular networks and I found myself on the Slice Network. The name of the show is Re-Vamped. It is a group of women who have been "dumped" in rather cruel fashions and they are there to get their self-esteem back through..... burlesque dancing!! At the end of the 6 weeks, they do a routine and their ex's are invited to sit in the audience. They also get a nutrition plan, exercise plan, live together for 6 weeks. No one gets voted out or anything. It is all about them healing. Anyhow, two episodes have aired. I caught episode two on tv and then watched episode one on-line. I really liked it. I recommend it as it just seems like an uplifting show. It's like the biggest loser - you get to watch people make positive changes in their lives.

I ran yesterday. It wasn't as good as my run two days ago. Mostly because the city was busy breaking a 161 year old heat record and I HATE running in the heat. But I sucked it up. Still felt good to get it done.

Belly dance last night was a killer. We worked non-stop the whole class. I actually broke a sweat and had to leave class to grab water out of the fountain!! It was so much fun. Next week we start learning combination moves that will be in our new choreography! I can't wait!!

That's all for now - I have physio this a.m. and need to eat before I drop daughter at school!

Have a healthy day bloggers!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


That is what I was yesterday for my run. I recorded my fastest pace to date! Woohoo!!

Enjoyed a lovely walk with the pup. He was so happy to be out there. So cute!

Spent some time visiting with my girlfriend who just had toe surgery. That was fun. I brought her a latte. She enjoyed it.

I had a million ideas to blog about, but now that I'm sitting here.... nothing!

I'm trying a new recipe that Andrea blogged about. Chicken PandemoniYUM from Eat, Shrink and be Merry. I can't wait. It sounds so tasty!!

I had physio yesterday for my shoulder and have stretching exercises to do 4 times a day. My rotator cuff is not torn. Thank goodness. I go again on Thursday. Next week, after I've had a week of stretches, I start weight lifting again. Woo hoo... sort of!! Hahaha!! Physio chick said just not to do exercises that hurt. Duh!!

So, husband told his parents that we will be going to Ottawa for Christmas this year. In the 20 years I've been with him, this will be the first Christmas we've missed with his family. MIL pouted the whole night after he broke the news, and only spoke to say that hopefully they won't be DEAD next year, and that since we won't be here at Christmas, we will likely never see them again. Oy vey!! Keep in mind that this past Christmas, they were in for 1.5 weeks, and only saw us when they came over for dinner Christmas day (4 hours). They were supposed to come for Christmas breakfast, which they have done every year my daughter can remember, but cancelled the night before because they didn't want to drive the 20 minutes over. Daughter was so hurt. My mom & her husband are also coming to Ottawa and this will be the first time my sister will have her family at her house for Christmas. I can't wait. I'm feeling very guilty about husband's parents - but husband is so mad at his mom's reaction.... I suggested that maybe we should drive out for Thanksgiving but he won't have any of it. Sigh.

Daughter thinks this is all hilarious because on our end, I'm the one trying to get husband to call and see his parents, but she knows on their end, they think this is all my doing! She actually laughed OUT LOUD!

Well, I guess that's about all I have for now. Have a healthy day bloggers!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

still here...

hmmm, it has been a while. Still here, still at it.

I have been feeling down all week. I go through this every fall. Daughter is back at school and I have to find my routine again on my own. I think it is hitting me harder because I know that she goes away after this year. And even though, as a parent I know I have to let her go, I hate that I do. I may go back to work. If I can find a job!!

One of the gals that walked occasionally with our walking group is losing her husband to cancer. Even as I type. He just moved into a hospice. It is just a matter of days. They had decided to deal with his illness by being very open with everyone. And given that it is the year 2009, most communications come via e-mail. I'm finding these e-mails harder and harder to read and deal with. Of course, I realize this is not about me in any way, and what this woman is going through, as well as her dying husband, I can't even imagine. But (and there is always a but!) this doesn't change the fact that I don't really know how to process the immense grief and sadness I feel every time I read an e-mail.

My shoulder is continuing to give me much grief. The pain at night seems to be getting worse, and I'm just not getting a good night sleep ever. I finally went to physio on Thursday. The gal there thinks she can fix me, so that's good. I go again on Monday and then again on Thursday. After that, who knows. She did ultrasound and some electric therapy or something.

I started Belly Dance again this week. I'm doing it twice a week this session, on Wednesdays and Thursdays. It felt good to get back to it. Sadly, my shoulder injury made many of the moves difficult or downright painful. It is surprising how much you use your shoulder or lift your arm when you're dancing. So, physio lady said to keep my arm down. HAHA - even I figured that one out.

So, not much else new. I'm still on program this week, although out of flex. Good thing new WW week starts on Monday!!

Have a healthy day bloggers!

PS: Tornwordo - my thoughts are with you and Serge while you deal with your loss. I'm really so sorry.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

I'm exhausted from arguing....

with myself all day. I want something to eat. No you don't. Ya, I really do. No, you really don't. On and on.

I'm over 13 points for the week. 13. This is fixable I tell myself. Just eat your daily points allowance, do your exercises you have planned. You could break even.

By 10 this morning the mental tug of war started. I've actually given myself a headache. I'm going to take an advil and then go for my run. I've walked the dog already. Then tonight, when the house cools off, I will do some Wii.

I do this to myself every time I see some success. Everyone needs a hobby I guess.

I finally got my period this morning. PMS is getting worse for me as I get older. Sigh.

Not much else on the go. I found some new low point soups to try this week. The excitement never ends!

Have a healthy day bloggers!!!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Ok, it wasn't a BILLION points....

but it was 25 flex. And it was all PMS. Plus, I think I'm coming down with a cold or something. Daughter is sick.

The positives from yesterday though? I did get off my butt and take the pup for a more active walk. I also did the EA Sport Active and 22 minutes on the Wii Fit doing the hula hoop and step programs.

Do you all remember, months ago, when I was doing the EA Sport Active, I kept complaining that it wouldn't let me use the Wii Fit board? Well, yesterday I figured out why. It wasn't until I tried using the Wii Fit though. The batteries on the board were dead!! I'm quite excited now to do the EA today. One of the differences with using the Wii Fit board is for the inline skating. Without the board you have to squat and jump - which is too hard on my knees. With the board you have to do balancing on one leg. Much easier on my old knees.

My shoulder continues to give me grief. The pain is waking me up at night and I can't get a good night's sleep. As a result - I can't keep my eyes open past 9:30!! Sheesh. I have to make an appt with a physio. I thought my massage on Sunday might help, but nope.

Hmm, that's lots of complaining for one post. That must be PMS also!

Today I have a run on the agenda. I can't wait to get out there - I really like my new route. No hills. For so long I thought that I had to include hills, but then I would dread going out. Why did I think I needed to do that? I run for fun and exercise, so I should make it something I look forward to.

We are also meeting friends for dinner. Sigh. I sure hope I can talk them into meeting up at the Club. I can then order the Market Greens Salad with a whole chicken breast (well, half, but you know, not two slices) which has an awesome seasoning (Jamaican inspired).

Well, bloggers. I'm off to take daughter to school. Have a healthy day!