Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Feeling Better

I've been resting up, licking my wounds. Every day that something feels better, I notice a new owie. My teeth finally stopped hurting yesterday, but that is when the pain in my upper back showed up. I was going to book a massage, but I can't stand the thought of someone touching me right now (much to husband's dismay!!). My knee is still bruised, and swollen on the side, BUT I can stand up and sit down quite easily now, and going up stairs is ok....coming down is still a bit hairy, but to be completely honest, my knee has bothered me when going down stairs for a while, so.....bruises have shown up on my the back of my forearm, and they hurt since I seem to use the back of my forearm for everything! It's like having a cut on your finger...that is when you notice you use that finger for everything!

I did go to Belly Dance rehearsal last night. The show is on Sunday so I couldn't miss. I got moved to front and center because I'm the anchor! I think what they mean is I remember the routine the best. I made it through the rehearsal just fine, but my knee swelled up when I got home. As I think I mentioned, both husband and daughter will not be able to attend my performance. They both came to the rehearsal last night, which ended up being a dress rehearsal, so they now have a good idea of what they would have seen. The both said it looked good and that I was the best. Which of course, they would say, but it was nice to hear regardless. I'm in quite a panic now, worrying that I will forget my place. Oy!!

Daughter is on Spring Break (yay) and so we are going downtown to meet husband for lunch. Vietnamese sub. From Thi-Thi - the only place you should ever go to for Vietnamese subs cause they are the best in the city!! I cannot WAIT!!!!! I get the satay beef.....mmmm...my mouth is watering just thinking of it.

So, the finale of Big Love....what a show! I loved it. I think next year will be GREAT!!! I'm quite excited about Nikki's ex-husband and daughter joining the cast. That should provide some good drama.

Oh, I got my hair cut and coloured yesterday. Well, the cut was more of a trim, and I just coloured it brown, which is my natural colour. It feels nice and fresh. Amazing how a simple hair appt can make you feel like a million bucks.

Have a healthy day bloggers!


  1. glad to hear that you are on the mend - I had to read back to find out what happened (must have missed that one somehow). - ouch! Totally sounds like something I would do, I am such a clutz.

    That was the finale of Big Love??? I thought we had another episode or two. That stinks, I hope HBO doesn't make us wait too long for the next season.

  2. FEBRUARY!!!! Thats just wrong - HBO always keeps us waiting too long. They did 2 years once between seasons with the Sopranos.
    Man, if I didn't like their shows so much, I would stop watching - lol

  3. Oh, geez, your fall sounds horrible.

    Good luck on your performance!

  4. OMG!!! I missed checking blogs for a couple of days and one of my friends got hurt.

    I am so sorry, honey.

    If I lived close I'd be right over to help you out. Get better soon.

    I'll bet you'll do great in the belly dancing show :o)

  5. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Thi-Thi's = yum. How many calories do you suppose are in one of those bad boys? Like the whole thing as they make them?

  6. Oh my your fall sounded horrible. Glad to hear you are on the mend. You must be one heck of a belly dancer to be the anchor while injured!!! Have fun at the recital and take care!
