Monday, January 19, 2009

The Most Frustrating Weekend EVER (Go Team Lynn)

I feel completely beat up after my weekend. And the worst of it is that it was generally a good weekend.

First off, I'm down 1.8 for the challenge.

So, Friday curling was cancelled and we got to stay home and watch Battlestar Galactica real time. OMG. It was such a good episode. Is anyone else still reelling from Dualla? I won't say too much, in case anyone still has to watch. We had pvr'd it, since we were supposed to curl, and so we watched it again Saturday morning!

Saturday was yoga. It was a challenging class. I enjoyed the corpse pose at the end though, she had me so relaxed I was in that stage between awake and asleep. It was nice. Saturday was GORGEOUS outside, so off I toodled for my long run....ya, not so long. 5.5k. My stomach was a bit upset and my knees were really sore. At first I was panicked, since that was another long run not done, but then I decided to let it go. The race will go like it goes....

Sunday is when everything kinda went off the rails. Husband has been stewing, it turns out, since Christmas about my reading blogs. Apparently the Internet is going to be the downfall of the world. Anyhow, had he left it at that, I could have moved on, but he took it further, told me I was likely having problems with my teenage daughter because I'm on the computer. On, and on, and on. He ranted for a really long time. Of course, I cried, got mad, turned the computer off. Of course, I had been on the computer at the time, but because he was watching football, which I find boring. Anyhow, I finally just said that I read the blogs because these are people with common interests, and I don't have anyone to talk to. Nothing was resolved. Eventually we just spent the day not talking. That always stresses me out and gives me a head ache.

What was surprising in all of this was that my immediate reaction is to eat. But, I didn't. I just stewed. Still not a good response, but at least there are no calories in stewing.

My husband is a really great guy. He just hates the Internet so much. Obviously I don't. If only it were as easy as agreeing to disagree......clearly it isn't!

So, moving forward. This is the start of week 5 of my fitbook journal. I move to Level 2 in the circuit training I'm doing from the Kim Lyons book. It's gonna hurt!! I'm not going to the gym until this evening, I will do weights while daughter does her Mui Thai. I have to write out my program this morning. I don't like changing programs, cause then I have to remember all the new moves, and I am always embarrassed up at the gym, even though really, no one is even noticing that I'm standing there!!

Not much else on the agenda today. I have to get some groceries in - enough to get us to payday.

Well, enough babble I suppose. Off to read some blogs till my coffee is done......Have a healthy day bloggers!


  1. My hubby hated the computer itself so no matter what I was doing on it he would gripe. I'm so sorry to hear that he's upset about it. But I'm also happy that it didn't cause an eating binge. That is a great victory.

    Hope he gets over it and realizes that it's a part of your life and accepts it.


  2. some people just don't get the "blogging" world, but I don't give people in my life much of a chance to nag me about it, as I think I have one friend who knows about my blog, and that was on accident!

  3. Hate the internet? I didn't think it was possible. It's such a great resource for anything and everything. Maybe he's just a little jealous of the time you spend on the computer?? hopefully he'll get over it soon. Don't you dare leave us!

  4. Sometimes my husband hates me being on the computer, but its usually comes from him feeling lonely. He told me once that he prefers it when I sit with him while he watches T.V., he ended up buying me a laptop for christmas so that we can still sit together and chat a bit as we go along.
    I hope that things smooth over quickly, I hate the feeling of tension in the home.

  5. Sorry about the stewing hubs. I hate that tenseness that surrounds an argument, damn, I have been there!

    Good for you not eating your stress, that would have just kept you feeling bad.

  6. I'm sorry you had a fight with your hubby, but it's so good that you didn't eat over it. I don't know what I'd do if my hubby didn't like me to be on the computer, although I don't think he knows specifically that I "blog."

    Hang in there.

  7. Anonymous4:13 AM

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  8. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I'm sorry that your week has been stressful. You did great by not emotional eating though. Goodluck working things out with your hubby.
