Sunday, September 16, 2007

Yoga Rocks!

We started yoga again yesterday. It was great. I am so sore today. Even husband is sore today. And teacher took it easy on us! YIKES! There was one couple that returned that we knew from last time, other than that, new people. One other couple, two ladies and a pregnant lady. Good size class.

After class, we grabbed a quick bite of lunch and took puppy on his big walk. We managed to knock 10 minutes off my regular time. So, I'm thinking when I do it on my own, I need to pick up my pace. Daughter started on the walk with us, but most of the way up the hill, she turned back.

Today I am golfing with a former manager, her friend and my husband. So, after I'm done my Tim's coffee, we will take puppy on his big walk, since he will be locked up for a good part of the day......I'm a bit nervous about doing that big walk and then golfing 18 holes.....we will be using a cart, but I get quite sore from all that swinging of the any case, sore or not, it will be a fun day! My former manager is one of my favourite people - we always have a good time together.

Well bloggers, have a healthy day!


  1. Glad to hear that yoga was good. And shaving some time off your walk is good. Have a great time today!

  2. Hope you aren't too sore today from all that exercise!!

  3. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Yeah for Yoga! Can you believe they took Veronica Mars off the air...How dare they! Can't wait to see her on Heroes...Sounds like you're doing good...keep it up!
